Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment in Freehold, NJ
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Addiction And Mental Health Counseling Near Freehold

When you’re grappling with a mental health or substance addiction disorder, you need all the assistance you can get. Even though one-on-one therapy with the professionals at The Counseling Center At Freehold is essential for getting better, there’s also an incredible benefit from discussing with your peers through group counseling near Freehold. In group counseling, you’ll have an opportunity to hear others’ experiences and express your own in a safe, space. By engaging in group therapy near Freehold, you’ll benefit from the validation and support that only other people going through a comparable experience can give you.

Who Is Able To Engage In Our Group Therapy Near Freehold 

The Counseling Center serves adults and teens age 14 or older. Our group therapy near Freehold is for people who require ongoing support for mental illness and substance use recovery. Because we are an outpatient counseling facility, we treat those who are medically fit enough to reside at home and don’t need 24-hour supervision.

Reach out to us today if you seek group counseling and outpatient treatment for:

How Group Counseling Improves Mental Health

Mental illnesses can make you feel isolated. The Counseling Center’s group counseling near Freehold allows you to step away from everyday life and interact with other individuals in a relaxed atmosphere. You’ll get the same benefits of individual counseling with an additional social aspect. Rather than talking things through with a single individual, you can consider multiple perspectives from others going through the same things.

While family members and friends might not relate to your mental health difficulties, your fellow patients in group counseling know exactly how you feel. You’ll have the opportunity to talk about your opinions and emotions with those who get it and won’t judge you. Learning from others’ stories will aid you in feeling less ostracized or isolated. You may also work on interpersonal skills and practice developing healthy relationships in a managed surrounding.

By using proven psychotherapy methodologies under the supervision of an experienced clinician, your group will acquire ways for dealing with your disorder and life skills in general. Collectively, all participants will improve their self-respect and establish the conviction they need to live more fulfilling lives.

How Group Counseling Assists With Alcohol and Drug Use Recovery

Substance use recovery treatment requires multiple phases. After completing detoxification and inpatient rehab programs, you still require and deserve ongoing . Counseling at The Counseling Center is intended to help you identify the emotions and thoughts that trigger drug or alcohol use and find strategies to prevent or handle those triggers so you don’t suffer a [[relapse]91]. In group therapy, you’ll talk about your encounters with drug and alcohol use with others who have faced the same or similar experiences. Collectively, you can converse about coping methods that have proven successful for you and learn from others’ observations. You’ll also develop crucial social skills like:

  • Communication
  • Listening
  • Empathy
  • Teamwork
  • Dealing with difficult people
  • Managing stress
  • Conflict resolution
  • Healing relationships

Being part of a group helps you overcome the negative emotions caused by alcohol and drug addiction. SupportedEncouraged by others who understand what you’re dealing with, you’ll feel less isolated or ashamed. You’ll be able to communicate freely with others without being judged and cultivate self-confidence as you establish yourself as part of their network of support. Over time, you’ll build supportive relationships with other individuals that might exist beyond group meetings. The encouragement and insight from group counseling is critical for enduring sobriety.

 What To Expect During Group Therapy At The Counseling Center

At The Counseling Center At Freehold, you can expect individualized care that keeps in mind your specific issues and goals. Before we organize your group therapy meetings, we’ll conduct an individual appraisal to grasp your medical history and figure out how group counseling aligns with your individualized treatment plan. To get the help you need, please contact 732-515-4187 and arrange an on-site or telehealth appointment for your examination.

Most of our patients will attend group therapy at least once each week, but you are able to go every day if you are in our Partial Hospitalization Program. Within your group, you’ll gather with a skilled therapist and a group that won’t exceed 15 participants. Your group will have other patients with the same as you and at a similar point in their mental health or substance use recovery.

Your therapist will guide the discussion, but group attendees do the bulk of the communicating. In time, everyone will have the opportunity to express what they grapple with and receive tips for dealing with it from their fellow participants with comparable struggles. Collectively, you’ll discover solutions, go over life skills, and create positive social relationships. Many connections formed during group counseling turn into mutually helpful and cherished long-term friendships outside of The Counseling Center.

Looking For Group Counseling Near Freehold?

Discover the mental health and substance use recovery assistance you require in group counseling at The Counseling Center At Freehold! Call us at 732-515-4187 or submit the form below. We’ll respond promptly, no matter the day or time. Reach out to us now; we are waiting to help.